I have several main talents. RPG Maker 2003 is defanitely one of them. I can make anything from a weather system, food system, time system, battle system, any system!! Seriously, every-time I get a good idea, I find a way to make it work. This image above shows the card system I made for my game. It's a game of Poker! See, the game I'm currently working on is a sim game. You live your everyday life and such. Okay, so it's mostly a dating game. You can flirt with any of the characters and you can switch from being a boy to ar, girl whenever you want. The characters respond differently depending on your gender but you can still date them no matter what as long as you get them to like you first. You can buy different houses and different pets and so on. The beginning of the game has somewhat of a story line. The main character gambles away his parents fortune so he either runs away from home or he gets kicked out(depending on the choices you make). It's very amusing and when the game is finished I'm uploading it to rpgmaker.net. Speaking of rpgmaker.net, if you're ever bored with nothing better to do...I suggest going there. They have a ton of great games and not so great games...but it's fun either way just seeing all the people's creations! Also, if you need any help with rpg maker, let me know.

This is my custom battle system. See how big and detailed my character and the enemies look? Yep, I'm proud of that. But I still have to make the attacks into a menu instead of just a choice selection... Also, in my game, you can use yo-yos, playing cards, chainsaws, matches, baseballs, and daggers as battle items. I'm still working on making more weapons.
sweet! sometimes I'm online, and dunno what to do... i get bored. Great idea! I'll check out that site.
ReplyDeleteDo you suggest that maybe instead of using rpg maker first (since idk much of it) I can write out a story line? i was thinking about that. I wish you luck!